The 2016 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference will bring together researchers working on algorithmic and mathematical foundations of robotics, robotics applications, and analysis of robotic systems. The conference will be held June 18-22, 2016 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
To give attendees an opportunity to see the best research in all areas of robotics, the conference will be single-track and the program will include invited talks as well as oral and interactive presentations of refereed papers. The three-day main session will be preceded by two days of workshops and tutorials. Following RSS tradition, every effort is being made to keep conference expenses affordable, particularly for student attendees. Workshop-only registration will be available.
RSS will stay true to its name covering both the "Science" and the "Systems" of robotics and is actively seeking submissions in areas that have not been traditionally represented at the conference.
Papers containing original and unpublished work are solicited in all areas of robotics, including (but not limited to) the following:
Submissions may be up to 8 pages in length, excluding references. Reviewing for RSS 2016 is double-blind, so authors should not be listed on the title page, and reasonable anonymity should be maintained in the paper. Submissions that are identical (or substantially similar) to versions that have been previously published, or accepted for publication, or that have been submitted in parallel to other conferences are not appropriate for RSS and violate our dual submission policy; exceptions to this rule are detailed on the author instructions page on the RSS 2016 website.
Submissions will be evaluated in terms of their technical quality, novelty, significance, potential impact, and clarity. All papers accepted for presentation at the main conference will be published in online proceedings. Selected papers will be invited for submission to a special issue of International Journal of Robotics Research and a special issue of Autonomous Robots.
RSS 2016 will have a rebuttal phase. The authors will be given 4 days to respond to reviewers' comments. This will happen in the period between March 10 and March 15. Check the main web page of the conference for updates as we get closer to the dates.
Conditional accepts will be used again this year. Authors will be given 10-14 days to improve their paper. This will happen in the period between April 5 and April 19. Authors will be provided with detailed information if this affects their paper.
More details regarding paper preparation, submission and the reviewing process are available on the author instructions.